The benefits of prosthetic noses
How Prosthetic Eyes Are Made In New Zealand
Ocularists and their work with children: helping young patients regain confidence and function with
Ocularists and their work with children: helping young patients regain confidence and function with
Ocularists and their work with children: helping young patients regain confidence and function
"A day in the life of an ocularist: what it takes to create custom ocular prosthetics"
"A day in the life of an ocularist: what it takes to create custom ocular prosthetics"
"A day in the life of an ocularist: what it takes to create custom ocular prosthetics"
5 things you didn't know about ocularists and their role in helping patients with ocular prosthetics
5 things you didn't know about ocularists and their role in helping patients with ocular prosthetics
5 things you didn't know about ocularists and their role in helping patients with ocular prosthetics
What is Microtia?
what is an anaplastologist
The different retention types for facial prostheses
Reasons why people may require a orbital prosthesis
Reasons why people may require a nasal prosthesis
Reasons why people may require a auricual or ear prosthesis
The future of orbital prostheses and potential developments in the field.
Real-life stories of individuals who have successfully adapted to life with an orbital prosthesis
The difference between orbital prostheses and other types of facial prostheses